Friday, July 8, 2011

Auto Air Conditioning System Parts

If your auto air conditioning system is giving you problems, you probably need the help of a specialist. However, sometimes you can fix some of the more minor problems yourself, or at least arrange for a stopgap measure until you actually get the time to visit a car repair shop. For that you need to be familiar with the inner workings of your auto air conditioning system, and be acquainted with the more common problems that such systems face.

The first thing you need to realize is that the A/C in your car is basically just a fridge. You have mostly the same parts, with a design change. Given below are the most common parts of a car air conditioner:-

The Compressor: - The compressor pressurizes the refrigerant and circulates it throughout your car. Compressors usually malfunction if there is a leak in the system

The Condenser: - The condenser's job is twofold. First, as can be guessed from its name, the condenser cools the refrigerant by removing excess heat from it. Second, it catches any debris coming from the compressor. Condensers are expensive and cannot be replaced frequently; at least not without causing a severe dent in your pocket, so it's better to clean and repair them when necessary.

The Refrigerant: - This is what collects the heat from inside your vehicle and dumps it outside. In modern cars it's a substance called R134a, whereas older cars have something called Freon. Freon has been gradually phased out because of the damage it causes to the ozone layer.

The Expansion Valve: - This is a type of nozzle that controls the pressure and flow of the refrigerant.

The Evaporator: - This transfers the heat from your car to the refrigerant, effectively cooling your car.

These are the basic parts of your car air conditioner, and while knowing them will not allow you to do the work of a skilled auto technician, they can help identify the more common A/C related problems and decide which one needs immediate attention.

For those looking to fix their auto air conditioning, Tucson has quite a few options. However, the one name that most auto enthusiasts of the area trust is Brakemax. They provide complete car care of the highest quality, and if you love your car and would not entrust it to anyone but the best, you need to visit and check out their services immediately. Share

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